It wasn’t me, it was her!

I had been hesitant to drive of late, and thought it was me being a wuss. My driving confidence has never been high anyway, so I assumed it had just gotten worse.

Last week, I took my beautiful George Girl, my 1995 Jeep, to the Jeep doctor, when it became apparent there was something wrong with her steering. SANYO DIGITAL CAMERAIt turns out that she needed new power steering, it had completely gone. No wonder it scared me to drive her!

Various other replacements and repairs were made, including re-attaching the wire to the back of the heater switch, which had been stuck in the on position since spring.

Driving her back from the Jeep doctor, I was happily amazed. She drives like new, which is something she never did before. Better than when we bought her. Of course, this restored my (limited) confidence instantly, and although I will never be the most confident driver in the world, (at least on four wheels), I am now very pleased to state:



2 thoughts on “It wasn’t me, it was her!

    • Oh yes 🙂 I now know I wasn’t a complete wuss after all 😀 And, whilst I will never be confident with driving, at least I can now get in the Jeep and drive without first having a panic attack or turbulent tummy 🙂


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